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We believe that music is an industry. Anatomy, behaviorism, and other social factors have created a strong and direct link between music productions and a community's audience. The volume of financial transactions, taking into account the observance of copyright outside Iran, is tens of billions of dollars. Because of this, we consider music to be an industry that, like other industries, begins with production and creates a two-way turnover with the participation of individuals.
We worked in this field from scratch. From small steps to large. With the experience of appearing in more than 50 professional music albums, knowledge of the process of production, publication and distribution and other factors to the experience of holding more than 2000 concerts in Iran and abroad. During these years, we have collaborated with great artists in Iran and abroad. Therefore, you can at least rely on our experience. We are with you and your companion.
Our services in the field of music include production, production, publishing and distribution, audio and video works of music
Talent identification and investment, studio and scene recording, study and workshop activities
Production of peripherals and equipment, artistic consulting
At the beginning of the journey, we need to talk to you about your personal goals and plans, and then prepare a short-term, medium-term and long-term plan based on your needs, aspirations and tastes. This is the most important part of the production process. The steps to reach the final result are determined from the beginning based on the schedule.
Once the route is determined, we need to choose an assistant for you. Your assistant is responsible for communicating with everyone involved in the project. The assistant is responsible for coordinating all your artistic affairs. You will be informed of all activities, agendas, etc. only through the assistant. The assistant is your secretary in the project.
In this step, we will introduce the production factors to you. Based on the experience, skills and familiarity of the market and according to the basic principles of planning, we select the best production factors for you. From the basic elements of poetry, composer, arranger, mixing and mastering to designing and producing content and advertising and so on. At this stage, we will use experts in all related fields.
After selecting the main factors in production, we will start preparing and producing content. According to the schedule, the initial demos are selected from the works and after approval, they enter the final production stage in a step-by-step manner. Pre-production is one of the most important parts of this process. Before reaching the final stages, several demos of works with different themes are produced by trial and error.
After preparing the demos and passing the pre-production, a selected body will be surveyed in relation to the parts and in case of negative feedback, correction will be taken. In case of positive feedback, the pieces will be prepared for the recording of the studio and in parallel, necessary measures will be taken to obtain a license from the Music Office of the Ministry of Guidance. At the end of this stage, the final mixing and mastering of the album will be done and the master will be ready for release.
The above project was completed in terms of providing music content, but your work will not be seen well without considering the advertisements. In this section, an art team is responsible for photography, design, production of teasers and video clips, and inspired by the contents of the work, they produce content. At this stage, the stylist to the director and editor will use the best agents who have artistic thinking. Finally, all content is ready to be published in various categories for advertising.
After obtaining the release licenses, we will release and release the album during a ceremony attended by media reporters. Physically and digitally. We also receive international copyright and publish it on global distribution platforms. We are launching all platforms based on Manitas. At the same time, we will monitor the feedback process of the work among the audience through an international institution. The performance of the album in the market and the amount of domestic and foreign sales are regularly reviewed and audited by a separate team.
After going through all these steps, our work will not be over! The status of the arts, music, video, advertising, etc. departments will be evaluated continuously through data assessment and analysis institutes. This information will help us to prepare future productions taking into account this behavior measure and the level of satisfaction and tastes of the audience. An important part of the Moffit trend in this market is always identifying audience behavior.
Our services in the art sector include holding festivals, art consulting, graphic design
Printing and packaging, production and production of video clips, website design
Design and implementation of the studio
In the services section, we will provide you with advice on all matters related to the artistic path through consultants who are among the most prominent artists. According to the type of activity and your request, we will introduce the relevant consultants. In all artistic legal affairs, we use the best legal lawyers who are experts in the field of art to provide services. In addition, we are with you to plan, manage and implement the conference, whether as a consultant, planner or presenter.
At Graphic Design Atelier, our priority is to do music production work. Design, monitoring, printing and packaging of professional services of Simorgh specialized atelier. In addition, projects not related to secondary priority are also done in our studio. Website design is also one of the services of Simorgh Graphic Atelier.
This part of the service is dedicated to preparing and producing teasers, video clips, making animations, motion graphics, etc. In this section, we use experts in relevant fields to produce works of art. In addition to performing the above issues for artists under the contract of the institute, project requests are also made from outside the institute in this section.
Simorgh is one of the subsidiaries of Atelier Architecture. This studio, which is also managed by the CEO of Simorgh, provides all architectural services for the design, supervision, execution and construction of concert halls and specialized recording studios in a separate environment as a project. In addition, Simorgh has received permission to do so from the General Directorate of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
Our services in the concert section include, planning, management and performance, online ticket sales system, sound and lighting services
Supply of image equipment, visual design services, execution service and support
Design and execution of a concert hall
Planning, managing and performing concerts is one of the most specialized services of Simorgh. In addition to contracted artists, we plan art festivals in different cities and hold music concerts. Our services in this section include: ticket sales system, service personnel, law enforcement and security forces, ticket checks, technical forces of sound, lighting and imaging, provision of portable stage, infrastructure and environmental equipment, which can be described in sections See opposite.
Simorgh is another service of the online ticket sales system with the possibility of choosing a seat. We are completing the website and updating the services. You will be informed about this project soon through the main page of the site. We plan to launch this system in a big event.
Concerts can be held in indefinite places, except for fixed and pre-determined places. We provide equipment related to environmental infrastructure, walling, hall roofing, chair arrangement, lighting equipment, sound and imaging equipment and all professional holding services as soon as possible.
One of the parts that usually satisfies the audience in holding a cultural and artistic program is hospitality services. We have trained staff to guide art lovers from the start. Also provide order and security and in addition provide appropriate catering services to the artists and the performance team.
Our services in the management department include, implementation and holding management, legal advice, copyright works, attracting sponsors
Art group management, expertise of works by artists, management of art contracts
One of the biggest problems for artists or cultural and artistic institutions is the lack of awareness of their rights and setting standard contracts. We are ready to consult with 3 international lawyers in the field of arranging art contracts. With a standard contract and familiarity with legal concepts, you can avoid the effects of future disputes.
Since the law on copyright protection is still not properly implemented in Iran and there is almost no income from the intellectual and material rights of the works, we generate income for you by taking international rights for you in the music distribution platforms and by monitoring the content network from We prevent the illegal publication of your works in order to earn a decent foreign exchange income in this way.
One of the most important features before producing a work of art for an artist is his artistic management. Personality is the first step. By identifying your artistic needs, we will work on your speech, behavior, relationships, appearance, and needs related to your artistic personality, and hold consultation sessions with relevant experts. To be in a professional world, you need proper management in all its parameters. This trunk service is provided for artists under the contract of the institute and in a special way.
Simorgh Institute is proud to have been the most successful art institute in attracting sponsors for its art programs and has collaborated with the largest and most prestigious global brands. Hisence, Montblanc, Arnold & Sont, Modern Elahieyeh Carpet City, Grandik, etc. are examples of brands that have been present in our concerts as sponsors. We will use our relationships to promote a program to attract sponsors.